Saturday, August 4, 2012

Don't Get Comfortable!

Hey there!

So, there have been so many changes going on in my life right now, and I realized it's been almost 3 months since I've posted! Crazy!

The first big thing is the fact that I am moved out of my parent's house, which I love! I love living independently- I was so ready! It's also so nice to be closer to Dulci, Racheal, and Sara, as well as my new church home.

Another big change-which was totally unexpected-is that fact that I now have a man in my life. I know, shock right? :) His name is Matt (if you got this link off of facebook, you probably already know that!)
So many people have been asking how we met, and well, it's a little strange, but crazy how God is working through our lives together. I was bored one night, was on craigslist, seeing if there was anyone selling the last book of the Bailey Flannigan series by Karen Kingsbury and noticed the personals section (yep, craigslist! ;)). I thought "Hey, what the heck, I'll just browse around...I've got nothing better to do!" I had no intentions of sending an email to anyone, but then, I came across Matt's post. He was upfront about his faith, which made me excited because, well, you know the society that we live in...not many men, especially in my generation, are very willing to put themselves out there in that way. I was so encouraged by it, that I thought "You know what? What do I have to lose?". So I sent an email (exactly what I told myself I would never do), had a minor moment of panic after I hit send, wondering what in the world I had just done.

Well, the next day, I opened my email, and there was a response...and one thing led to another, and on July 5 we met in person, and the rest is history! I am so excited and encouraged by the time that we spend together, and love that we are able to grow our relationship in God together.

I am including this because it seems that around the time that I met Matt was a time when my thoughts and feelings were all over the board! All of you know that I have an intense passion for working with severely impaired individuals. This is something that happened to me when I started working with Dulci, and my love for this population continues to grow each and every time I see one of their beautiful smiles.

I have decided that I am going to become a member of Vriesland Reformed Church, one of the main reasons being that they are church that is on fire about ministry and outreach, and the worship is so genuine and the presence of God is so real-I always leave smiling because I feel like God is sitting right next to me. Well, to join the church, one typically has to go through a Profession of Faith class. Even though I have already made Profession of Faith, I decided to go through it again as a reaffirmation. In the second week with Pastor Wilson, he challenged me to think about what God might be calling me to partner with Him in right now-not 30 years from now, when I'm a little older, have a degree or am married, but right now. 

I left feeling scared and excited because I knew exactly what it was that He was calling me to do. I have felt this passion for a number of months now, but have chosen to leave it on the back burner. My desire is to start a special needs ministry in the greater Holland area-for those who are severely and multiply impaired. There are so many resources and opportunities for special needs individuals who are higher functioning, but rarely is there an opportunity for children with severe and profound impairments that is geared just for them. My dream is to have a respite type program, biblically based, existing to show the love of Christ to these often forgotten children/adults, and just to be their friends! I can't imagine a better thing to do with my life right now.

This also led to another huge decision, which was, "How in the world can I possibly start a ministry? I am working full time (and then some), going to school, am now in a relationship, and sometimes I actually do need to sleep!" and "Seriously, I was just starting to get comfortable with my schedule and how life was going, and now this, God, really?" --funny how God works, huh?? :)

Well, I prayed about it, and felt that now is a time to take a break from school. While the degree program I was in was called "Ministry Leadership", my heart was not in school, and it is not where my passion is right now. My passion is to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to get in there and change diapers, wipe drool, tube-feed, and hold, sing, and cuddle with these precious children of God.

Once I (and some other people in my life) had convinced myself of this (didn't take much), I dropped my classes and am on an indefinite break from school. I have no idea when, or if, I will go back. I'm just SO excited about this ministry opportunity!

Things are obviously in the beginning stages, and I am just praying that God will lead people who have a passion to serve, in some form, in the beginning of this ministry that is very dear to my heart.
I have no idea what it will look like exactly, but I'm trusting that God, in all His faithfulness and love, will direct my steps.

The main reason I write this is to ask for prayer, because it is so powerful!
I would ask that you pray for peace in my mind and heart as I start down this exciting and scary road, for people to step forward in faith with me in this ministry, and mostly for the children/adults that I will eventually encounter on a regular basis-that their hearts and minds would be open to the love of Jesus Christ (I firmly believe that they understand so much more than anyone gives them credit for!). I would also ask for prayer for the families of these children-that this will be a blessing to them, and that I can be a vessel for Christ in my relationships with the families.

I know, that was an incredibly long post, and I could write for hours, but this will have to do...if you have any questions about any of it, feel more than free to shoot me a message via facebook, or comment on here!

I know that the Lord has incredible plans for my life, even though I can't necessarily see them right now, and I am certain that He will use this ministry for amazing things!

Thanks for reading, and I pray many blessings upon your life!


Sunday, May 27, 2012


So it's been a long time since I've posted, but I'm feeling led to share my heart right now.

In my last post, I mentioned that I was hoping to move to Nicaragua in the beginning months of 2013. Well, in typical God-style, my plans have changed!

You see, I felt that that was the right thing to do, but as things progressed, plans weren't going like they should have to begin the process of moving. People weren't responding back to me from missions organizations, and it all seemed like it was just being too rushed. That's when I sat back and prayed, and just felt that maybe it wasn't time for me to be jumping into this.

As I evaluated myself, my life, and the work that I am doing now, I realized one critical thing. All that I really want to do is be a mom. Simple as that. I want to love and care for children who are severely and multiply impaired. I can't explain the feeling that I get when I think about the possibility of just being a mom. It gives me unexplained joy and happiness. Most of all, peace.

I also realized something else. I can't leave Dulci Jean. She's just so special to me, and I believe with every ounce in me that the Lord brought us together for a reason.  We met at Special Needs Week in 2009. I was her volunteer, and that's when it all began! I fell in love with her that week, and it was the first SNW that I honestly did not want to leave and be done with my camper. Well, long story short, I was finally able to start working with her in February 2011. I was scared to death at first. I had never taken care of a severely and multiply impaired child, and it came with a lot of learning, but it did not take long to fall in love with Dulci and the Genzink family!

She has done incredible things for my relationship with God. She has taught me to love without ceasing, and has showed me a motherly-type of love that I didn't know I was capable of. She has taught me intense compassion with her smiles and goofy attitude. The amount of love that I feel for her is just crazy, and I can't imagine how God must feel when He looks down on us, His children, because I know that He is capable of SO MUCH MORE love than I am capable of having for Dulci. It just boggles my mind.

I thank God for my love-oriented relationships with Dulci (as well as Racheal, Megan, Christian, and Sara) She will always have a very special place in my heart because of the ways that God has used her to shape me. And they say that these kids are worthless!

Basically, I feel that my role in God's Kingdom is here for now. I know that God will use my passion for overseas missions somehow, because after all, He is the one who gave it to me. I can see adoption of a severely multiply impaired child(ren) in my future, and that excites me so much. I would take one or two or three of them right now if I could!

So for now I'm taking it day by day, choosing joy (which isn't hard when I have such a blessed life that I'm living!!), and plugging through classes at Moody Bible Institute (online). I couldn't ask for a better life, and I know that I am so undeserving of all of these blessings!

Thanks for reading!!

Much love,

Saturday, January 7, 2012

There is NOTHING Like Your Love

I'm really at a loss for words. God is so good, faithful, and loving...ALWAYS, and I have felt His presence in my life so evidently lately. I can't imagine how people get through life without this incredible peace and comfort that I'm experiencing right now.

As most of you probably know, I returned to Nicaragua for a 10-day visit over Thanksgiving. In the weeks prior to leaving, I felt that I was getting ready to go home. This was such an exciting feeling, yet so scary, because, well, I think you all know what that entails. I didn't share this feeling with anyone, because I didn't want to be held to these feelings if I ended up feeling differently once I was in Nicaragua.

I am sharing this with you now, because I did not have any different feelings while I was there. I truly felt that I was home. I absolutely love the Latin American culture, the language, the sweet (and incredibly understanding and patient as I attempted conversing with many of them) people, and of course the climate! :)

I feel like the Lord is preparing my heart and my life to move to Latin America, and I would like to do so in the beginning of 2013. I know that so much can change in a year, but I feel peace with this decision right now. Of course, Nicaragua is where I hope to be, but there are so many unknowns and blurry details about that possibility, as I want to work with severely impaired children in a "mom" role. I could be content in any Latin American country, just because I fell most in love with the culture. Of course Nicaragua will always be my first love, and you know what they say, "You never forget your first love".

It's hard having this feeling, because each day I fall more and more in love with Dulci & Racheal. I know that leaving them is going to be so hard, and I know that I could never do it on my own. I believe that God will give me the grace to say "goodbye", or rather "see you later", if that be His will. I don't really want to think about that right now, as this is still a year (at least) away.

Instead, I'm choosing to live in the moment, loving and serving Him where He has me now, and as long as He chooses to keep me here. All for Him!

So much easier said than done, right? Yes. I struggle with this A's probably a struggle that is high on a lot of people's lists, because as humans, we just want to be in control and know all the answers. But God is faithful, everlasting, and our hope and joy for the life to come. So Praise Him now, love Him now, and share the Hope of His life, resurrection, and return now!

There is so much more I could share, but I feel that this can be an awkward way of conveying my feelings and excitement in this journey that the Lord has put me on...and you would probably stop reading due to length... :) Ask me anything, anytime. I love sharing what God is doing in my life!