Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Season of Changes

Hey everyone!

I have had  a lot of people asking me about how the ministry is going, so I thought I would give an update. This is most definitely not the update I thought that I would be giving.

Basically, I am going to ask for some serious prayers for guidance for Matt and I as we move forward towards marriage, and as that involves this ministry. We are in a process of discerning what/where we are being called to next, and so this has left things kind of on hold for the time being.

I don't want to say too much, as no big decisions have been made, but we would really appreciate prayer support from you-our friends and family.

Please continue to pray for the ministry, and that it will develop in the timing and way that only God knows. I still have a heart for this population, and it's killing me to be on hold with it, but for now, I feel that this is what God has for us.

Thanks so much for all of your support of Matt & I, as well as of this ministry.

Blessings and much love,