Sunday, February 27, 2011


This is a topic that has been on my heart for the past couple of months, so here you go.

The Christian life is all about worship. It can be in many different forms. When you hear the word worship, you probably automatically think about music. Most people do.

But, worship is also in prayer, studying His Word, and in simply living life. God has called us, His chosen people, to live a life pleasing and glorifying to Him.

Considering what's at stake, we should want to do anything for our Lord and Savior, who shed His blood as a sacrifice not only for our sins as one person, but for the sins of the entire world!

Can you imagine? Sending your only son to earth, only to sacrifice him for the sins of humans? I, for one, don't think I'll ever understand the amount of love that took.

Then, Jesus proceeded to rise from the grave. Think about it. There's nothing more final than death. Yet our Savior conquered the grave! He is living and active in our lives!

Most of us will read this, think about it for awhile, and then the awesome feeling of being loved-truly loved-will go away.

We will go on with our daily lives, letting ourselves get stressed out and worked up about the things happening in our lives.

We'll go to church on Sunday, feel good for an hour, and the cycle repeats. Even at church, where we come together as believers, saved by the same loving and powerful God, we will hold back.

The feeling of being loved and cared for by the Creator of the entire universe should never go away! We should want to sing and dance for joy, because the Powerful One has chosen us to fall deeply in love with and know everything about. And not only us (as individuals), but every single person who has lived, is living, and will live on this earth!

Take a second to absorb that. He loves us-truly loves us! He cares for us, and He always will!

This life is not about us. God made the world, He made us, and gave us life. Most importantly, He gave us life in Him. He made us so we could praise Him and share His name, and bring it to the ends of the earth.

There are so many people who haven't had the opportunity to hear the gospel. So many people who need to know that there is someone who loves them, because they feel hopeless. They feel lost. They feel unloved.
No one deserves to feel that way.

Before Christ, we were the same as them. Hopeless. Lost. We felt unloved.

So, here's a challenge for you. Live your life as an offering to God. Show His love and kindness to everyone you meet.
Show the world how great of a God we serve by like like Him!

Live worship. Love worship. Serve Him.